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When you need to crystalize complex strategic questions, work through complicated coalition dynamics, and build new community relationships, you might be tempted to try to facilitate strategic discussions and participate in them at the same time.  But if you turn over the facilitation to an outside, skilled facilitator, you are better able to give input, preserve your social and political capital, and benefit from fresh eyes and challenging questions to move the conversation forward.  I love facilitation, and my clients tell me it's one of my greatest strengths.  I rely on visual techniques, interactive activities, and a relaxed but productive atmosphere to spark new thinking. If you need a facilitator with a steady hand, sense of humor, and on-the-spot ability to synthesize and probe discussions, give me a call.   


Engagement Strategy

When an organization is trying to identify and solve an intractable community problem, they too often try to come up with solutions in a vaccuum, without the input of those most affected by the issue.  Engaging community members in your work can seem intimidating and difficult, but the benefits are transformational.  From planning an advocacy effort to exploring how engagement can strengthen a project or mission, I can help you craft an approach that fits your goals, energizes the work, and delivers durable results.


Change Management

 You know how powerful, and how persistent, organizational culture can be.  Perhaps you've noticed that the way your organization does things doesn't seem to be working as it should, but are meeting resistance when you're suggesting ways to do things differently.  Or maybe you and your colleagues know you're ready for a new approach, but don't know where to begin.  If you want support as you navigate organizational change, participatory processes and culture shifts can be powerful ways to disrupt outdated approaches and inspire your organization to reimagine its impact.  I can help design processes, coach you and your staff, and offer insight so that your internal culture and structure robustly supports the vision you have for your future.  


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