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We hired Ann Wiesner to help us re-imagine our engagement and advocacy work, but with her help, we quickly realized that we were held back by unanswered cross-organizational questions.  Ann  ended up using a participatory design process based on a thorough assessment of our priorities.  Ann was able to genuinely hear and validate varying points of view, which was especially important because we’d just gone through a period of transition that was a little bumpy.  Together, we designed a Theory of Change. 
Her work was long-lasting; It helped us to deepen our collaborative and relational culture, which has catalyze deep team transformation. Her approachable demeanor and keen listening skills helped people at different levels of the organization come to the table and participate fully, all the while helping us name and navigate complex challenges of positional power layered atop race and gender dynamics.  We created a Theory of Change that felt authentic to us, excited and energized our staff, and galvanized critical working relationships. 
Further, Ann helped us put the Theory of Change into practice in concrete ways, helping us break old patterns and transform our organizational culture. All of this work remains a bedrock at the organization today and staff quote Ann on a daily basis. Ann’s support and guidance was transformative for UUSC at a critical moment.


Rachel Freed

CEO and Chief Program Officer

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee


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